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CSS Formatter
CSS Formatter
Other Tools
Code Share Bin
View/Share Code snippet in 100+ languages
JSON Decoder
Decode JSON to array
JSON Formatter
Format/Beautify JSON
BASE64 Encode
Text to base64
BASE64 Decode
base64 to plain text
URL Encode online
Encode text to url
URL Decode
Decode url
UTF8 Encode
Plain text to UTF8
UTF8 Decode
UTF8 to plain text
XML Decode
Decode XML string to array
JS Formatter
Format/Beautify javascript
HTML Formatter
Format/Beautify HTML
CSS Formatter
Format/Beautify CSS
JS Compressor
Compress/Minify javascript
CSS Compressor
Compress/Minify CSS
SQL Formatter
Format/Beautify SQL
Test Data Generator
Generate Test Data/Fake Data
Lorem Ipsum Generator
Generate Lorem Ipsum Test data
Credit Card Generator
Generate Credit Card Test data
Placeholder Image Generator
Generate placeholder images
HTML to Markdown Converter
Converts HTML to Markdown
Markdown Editor
GFM Markdown and WYSIWYG Editor
Diff Checker
Check difference between files online
HTML to PDF Converter
Convert HTML to PDF file
QR Code Generator
Generate QR code from text
QR Code Scanner
Scan QR code from built in camera or file upload
Sorting list
Sort a list of numbers or strings alphabetically or by length
String Utilities
Convert, Remove, Replace related Utilities for a string
Indent with a tab character
Indent with 2 spaces
Indent with 3 spaces
Indent with 4 spaces
Indent with 8 spaces
Do not wrap lines
Wrap lines near 40 characters
Wrap lines near 70 characters
Wrap lines near 80 characters
Wrap lines near 110 characters
Wrap lines near 120 characters
Wrap lines near 160 characters
Remove all extra newlines
Allow 1 newline between tokens
Allow 2 newlines between tokens
Allow 5 newlines between tokens
Allow 10 newlines between tokens
Allow unlimited newlines between tokens
Format CSS
Share Output
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